Thursday, June 24, 2010


After getting off the ferry, Mack, Matt, Katie, and I parted from the rest of the group because we were all going different ways. We arrived at our first destination by train. As we rode, we got to see the beautiful countryside. It's even more beautiful than I had anticipated. Green is everywhere. When we got to Arklow, Nathan, the camp manager, picked us up. We did a bit of shopping at the Tesco which is there version of Wal-Mart. We then went to the Manor. Oh, it's gorgeous. It's only what we dream about staying in; however, we haven't stayed there yet, but we will come Saturday. We're currently staying in a cabin which is more what we would call a trailor. Everyone has been very courteous and hospitable since we have arrived. The Manor grounds consists of a "shockin" zip line, assault course, rock wall, slide, sports hall, camping grounds, and an awesome low ropes course. We have been like kids in a candy store. We began working Monday just doing bits around the Manor to get ready for the camps to come. Special need campers arrive Saturday or Sunday, and I cannot wait. I don't think there will be a foot fellowship though (a dance). The following week will be canvas camp which we will be staying in camps all week. It shall be fun and an experience.

So, we've done a bit of sight seeing so far; earlier this week, we went to Glendalough which is where Braveheart was filmed. Oh, the mountains were lavished with God's beauty and glory. Also, we went to the only Christian concert in Ireland Sunday; the bands were similar to our bands. YFriday, the band who wrote "Everlasting God," was there. So, it was cool to see. Today we went to Dublin, and after walking around aimlessly for, yeah, probably an hour, Mack finally bought a map, and we navigated through the city; we actually saw some of the major parts of the city in the short time we had.

It's been a little tough lately because I'm having to rely on other people to do everything; so, it is definitely a learning experience. It's odd how similar things are here. There really isn't a whole lot of difference expect I'm thousands of miles away, and the locals (not the people we are working with) are hospitable yet cold. They live in such a beautiful place, but it is so spiritually dark. Please pray for their hearts because they do not have any idea.

It's really about to start picking up, though. Camp starts this weekend, and we keep going from there whether it's here or somewhere else. We'll do a lot of traveling until we come home. My teammates are wonderful. God has us pegged. Katie is a precious gift. She has been amazing, and she and I got along immediately. Mack and Matt have been so good to us; they look out and keep us safe I feel. It really is a wonderful team. I thank God for them all the time as I do you. I miss you all, and I think about you often. Know my heart loves you, and I hope this finds you well.




  1. LACY!! I love your posts! I can see you really are having a great time! I can't wait to hear more! Love you!!

  2. Typed like a true English major...You make me feel as though I were there just by reading your post! I love you, Lace, and I'm praying for you while you're away from us!

  3. I was missing you terribly today. My internet has been broken for about a month.. So I am catching up on your life in Ireland! You are having such a wonderful time! I am praying for you and your team! Love you!!

  4. "Hi Lacy, How's it goin?? Spread the Word about our Dad! Peace out." ~Rylee

    "Hey Lacy, Find me a four leaf clover! I'm praying for you! Be safe!" ~Kenzie Claire

    I miss you very much! Everything is just so different without you here! I have about 20 messages in my draft box of my phone that were supposed to go to took me a while to remember you were OUT OF THE COUNTRY!! Haha Hope all is well! I love you and am praying for you! ~Love, D :)
