Saturday, July 3, 2010

Comfort food has a whole new meaning

Week Three

This week things really began to pick up. We stayed at Ovoca Manor and worked with a special needs camp. Oh my goodness. It was incredible. The campers came in Saturday, and we hit the ground running - thank you J.R. The leaders whom hosted the camp were completely where God had them to be. They are the most caring and patient people because they could put up with the campers and me. So, I know they have been graced with patience. After the campers arrived we started to get into the swing of things. It did take awhile, but it was a lot like Central Hills with the whole cleaning, staying with campers, and other tasks.

Sunday we woke up and had worship, and spent the rest of the day getting to know the campers and their personalities which actually took all week to know most of them. The people we were working with have down syndrome and autism as as well as some visual and hearing impairments. Some people are affected severely while others no so much. It was wonderful and challenging getting to know their own unique personalities.

Monday and Tuesday came, and I can't remember which day we went to Arklow which is the nearest city with a shopping center and grocery store. It was good for the most part except there was absolutely nothing to do for the guys there. However, they seemed to get of the Manor nonetheless. However, I do remember we had KAROKE on Monday!

Wednesday definetly felt like a Wednesday. Days behind but still so many days to go. I do believe this is the day we went to Meeting of the Waters, but that also could have been Tuesday. Meeting of the Waters is where two bodies of water meet: the Avomore and the Avonbeag (yes, I have to get somebody to tell and spell these for me) which flow into the Avoca river (this is the village where we are staying). This is the place where Thomas Moore wrote The Vale of Avoca:

Sweet vale of Avoca,
How calm could I rest
In thy bosom of shade
With friends I love best,
Where the storms that we feel
In this cold world should cease,
And our hearts, like thy waters,
Be mingled in peace.
- Thomas Moore

There's more to it, but that is all that is on the postcard. The campers loved it here; we had a picnic and played some games. It was a delightful day.

Thursday. OH Thursday is probably the most memorable day for me at least. We had our mystery tour which was in Dublin. Each team member was placed with a camper, and I was placed with a camper whom is a lot like me: very much likes to be in control and stuck in her ways a bit. Needless to say, she and I had a few problems at first. She continually told me to relax, and after backing off, I really learned to appreciate and understand her for who SHE was; not what I wanted her to be. God really knew what He was doing there. Thank You LORD!

Our Lord knows exactly what He is doing all the time. From the people he has placed in my life and others to the challenges and opportunities I have experienced so far, He continues to show my heart how much He loves us. Our speaker this week was a pastor from Dublin. He is extremely gifted in art and speaking. He captivated the entire camp's attention, and I know the entire camp learned so much from him. I pray and believe that his words will remembered after this week.

Friday. This was my favorite day. We woke up, went about our regular routine, went to feed the ducks in the afernoon, then had our CONCENT...aka, talent show. I danced with an exceptional dancer who gracefully twirled me across the dance floor, participated in a skit that ended with me and four others on the floor, did the YMCA with Matt and other camper, and was blessed with a dance from another camper who proposed to me this morning. It was a wonderful day.

So, today is Saturday, and as I reflect over the past week, I cannot help but feel the love our God gives us. From you to people I meet here, He is in everything I do, and He loves me so much. I have learned so much about Him and myself that I'm not sure I would have learned otherwise. I cannot fathom how much He knows my heart and how much He truly loves me. My friend Damien and I were talking about this earlier this week, and he said that God has told him that there is no way we will ever know how much He truly loves us because His love is just that big. God is that big, and He sent His son for me. For you. For us. Oh how He loves us. I know I am right where I am supposed to be "for such a time as this." Thank you for your prayers because I feel them every single day. Oh how much I cherish each one of you and love you all so much.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm very glad that you "hit the ground running" and I hope you were all in your "places with bright and smiling faces!" Haha I kinda miss camp...kinda! :) I'm so excited about all the ways God is using you! I can see you've been a wonderful tool that He's been excited to use this summer!
    So I decided to use my should go read my latest post and tell me what you think. :) I'm not sure how long I'll stick it out...but we'll see ;)

    Well, it's late, perhaps I should go to sleep...I've got a full day of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING planned for tomorrow! Oh how I love my summer. :) Perry and the youth leave tomorrow for their mission trip in St. Louis, so I'm teaching Sunday school and Radical this week (yes, you can be praying for me! K thanks!) Haha I love you, Lace! You're in my prayers daily!

